FFA231; Mechanics of Motions: Week 2 (October 5th 2017)

Introduce Your Partner, Trusting Yourself and Trusting Others.

Another week, another new games or exercises we're doing. So, this week requires a lot of talking, attention skills and a strong memory.

For the first exercise, we were supposed to pair up and listen to each others introduction and tell a little story about themselves but preferably not something basic like birthday and their hometown but more like incidents that have happened to them. We get two minutes each to tell about each others. I paired with the only other girl in the class which is Aini. As someone who didn't talk a lot, I ended up being asked more and the one who gives a lot of contents to Aini. After the time is up, we were asked to re-tell the story we just listened to without exaggerating or adding anything. I didn't get to tell much because all I've listened through the two minutes given were questions. So, I just told En. Ezwan what she asked me.

Next exercise is called Trusting Yourself. We were told to talk with our partner again but choose one topic from our last conversations but talk in more details about it. These two exercises are really challenging for me since I don't have really good memory in remembering other people story since I didn't experience it. So, if you want to tell me a secret you're safe because I'll probably forget about it in a minute.

The third exercise is more physical than the other two and it is called Trusting Others. One of the partner has to be blindfolded and the other partner has to hold their hands going through obstacles. At the same time, the one who is blindfolded has to tell a story without being interrupted by the obstacles. The obstacles were made by my classmates too, they use sticks or even their own body parts like legs and their hands. I was the one who is blindfolded and trying hard to tell a story. I don't think I finished my story since it was hard talking and trying to crouch or crawl at the same time.

Anyways, it was a fun class. Instead of sitting and drawing all the time, physical class is definitely needed.


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