FFA231; Mechanics of Motions: Analyzing Characters.

Image result for dinosaur on toy story

On our last class, we watched an animation film to analyze characters. We watched Toy Story and asked to pick a character to follow.

Chosen Character
I decided to pick Rex because I remembered him the most and I thought of writing about him even before the movie starts. Rex is a plastic, green, Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In the movie, Rex can be seen as a really supportive character because he's always supporting Woody who is the leader out of all the toys. He is also a very determined and persistent character. Even if he is a Trex, he doesn't have a scary roar so he always practices to get better in roaring. In the first bit of the film, Rex tried to scare Woody but Woody doesn't seem intimidated at all. Rex is also a very insecure character. He's not confident with his own roar and he always thinks that he's annoying whenever he tries to scare other toys. Other than that, Rex is also an indecisive character from my observations. When Woody was accused to try to execute Buzz from Andy's toy collection, Rex was torn between trusting Woody or other toys. He hates any kind of confrontation or arguments but he slowly and reluctantly turns against Woody under peer pressure but still have guilt for not trusting Woody.

Rex is a supporting and side character in Toy Story. He's also a character that gives the film a little comedies. He can be seen mostly as a loyal Woody's supporter.

In this film, when Rex was first introduced he already tell his ultimate goal which is to have intimidating roars. 

One of his biggest fear is if Andy got a new dinosaur toy, that is more ferocious and intimidating than him. Other than that, he's also terrified of Sid Philips, Andy's neighbour who likes to torture toys and using toys for his scary experiments. This can be shown at how Rex responded terrifyingly when all the toys noticed that Sid is home early from Summer Camp.

Exaggerated trait
Rex's exaggerated trait would be innocent. He's indecisive, determined, gentle, kind, caring and hates argumentation. He has this childlike manner and lack of self confidence. He also wants to be loved and played with his owner, Andy. 

One of the most obvious relationship is with Andy, which is his owner. Rex seems to be the only dinosaur toy that Andy has.

Next, Rex's relationship with Woody which Rex seems to respect him as the leader and his friend. He also had some problems trusting Woody when he tried to execute Buzz but he ended up feeling relieved that Woody is not a bad toy.

Rex is also close with Buzz who helped him to roar better and increase his confidence.


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