FFA233; Digital Ink & Paint: Perspective.

On week 8, we learned the basic of perspective. There are many types of perspective that we can use in our artwork or illustration to add depth and space. Perspective will give your drawings three-dimensional feeling by having objects looking either closer or further away from you. Perspective has been a fundamental in art and very important. I've learned about perspective back in school and also in semester one yet I don't often use all types of perspective.

There are 3 types of perspective which is one-point perspective, two-point perspective and three-point perspective. Three-point perspective can be divided by two which is worm's eye view and bird's eye view. In perspective, there must be horizon line, vertical parallel lines and vanishing point(s).

In class, we practice these perspective by making simple boxes first.

I prefer drawing the lines ruler free or digitally "shift free" so it looks architecture-ish sketch looking.

And then we had 30 minutes practice with references. Each references requires only 10 minutes of trial.

one-point perspective

two-point perspective

three-point perspsective


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